1st half of 2020 and Covid 19

The surgeon actually made a house call to remove the stitches and staples.  His new chair arrived. He was up in it for about a week and it broke. That was early April.

Normally I wouldn’t worry about our supplies. We have had toilet paper and gloves on subscription for years. Gloves delivered monthly. A case toilet paper every 3 months. I increased it to 2 months when Colin’s new CG stayed overnight more often and my nephew came to stay with us.

Gloves and TP stopped being delivered in April. We are not out and in the event we do run out it isn’t the end of the world. Life happened before TP and baby wipes. It isn’t worth possible exposure to run around.
To those people who are not isolating at home fuck you. Colin is in the highest risk bracket. If he gets this virus I do not believe his respiratory system will be able to fight it off. After everything we have done to keep him alive I don’t know how I would take losing him to a virus. Staying at home and having a friend pick stuff up for us. And we still have idiots who cry and moan about wearing masks to protect lives and refuse to practice safety. I am appalled by this lack of respect and consideration.

Stay at home for us is nothing new just regular days.  We have gotten lazy about cooking and eaten more pizza the first 6 months of 2020 than in the previous 5 years. We are very bad.

His chair is not back yet.  Not that he could get in it anyway. Another abscess in mid June, smaller, but still put him back in bed. And July 3 he has problems breathing. SpO2 drops to 73. Ambulance to the ER and nobody can go with him. Turns out he has developed mucous plugs in his left lung. (Covid 19 negative). He is right now alone in ICU intubated and on a ventilator getting ready for a third bronchoscopy to remove secretions. He cannot talk. They do not have the soft nurse call buttons for him.  I call every few hours unless certain nurses are on duty. Most will give me detailed updates and one will actually let me talk to him ( He cannot talk back) on speaker. A few will bet irritated that I am calling again and only tell me there is no change. Last update he had more stuff in his lung and was on 35% ventilation, down from 60%. Small steps forward. I have such a heavy weight of despair and fear on my chest I can hardly function. I just want him home. Waiting is hard enough for us. It must be horrific for him which breaks my heart. Currently the third full day in ICU after 17 hours in the ER.

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About adminmom

High school math teacher and mother to a 23 year old son recently involved in a rollover accident that has left him with paralysis. This is my therapy, and hopefully will become his as well, as we move forward from 9-17-2012. After 6 years he is 29, I teach Chemistry and we are still learning how to help him move forward. Many Many health situations we never imagined we would face.

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