Dec 26 (97)

My husband drops me off at about 7:30. I get into the room, both boys are passed out still. I ask his nurse’s aide for a schedule. He brings it at 8. He has no ROM and OT is scheduled for 8:15. PT at 9 and 945 then OT at 1030. We have no time to get dressed since he still needs a tube feeding and morning meds. I start to get him ready and OT shows up. I let her know we are not ready so she reschedules for later.

After his feeding I finish and we are ready for PT. I don;t do the transfer since he still has a drain in his neck. He gets his stretches, leg ROM and strengthening exercises during PT. He supports himself for nearly 2 minutes even with staples and a drain in his neck. He doesn’t complain once. Ian has gone to Starbucks and is gone for his entire PT session.

We are back in the room for a break before OT. He gets a breathing treatment and Ian shows up with a bagel for me. I ask Ian if he has put any apps on his iphone 4S yet, but he says no. After a few minutes he asks what the ipad is. I tell him his phone but bigger without the phone and Siri functions. He takes a look and spends the next 3 hours on Garage Band.

OT we do arm strengthening. He works as hard as ever with a few grunts. He is good to tell us when he needs more resistance so he gets stronger. The second OT session we go to the gym and get the mobile arm supports on. We try different set ups with the stylus and it is better, but not great. I will need to look for a different stylus or  maybe several different types. During OT a couple of friends drop by and visit. They stay for about 90 minutes. The my husband arrives to get me so Ian and I transfer Colin back to bed. Another disaster, scrunched up at the bottom. The chair was too far forward as we did not have enough room. Trauma over, he had another friend drop by. I made him comfortable and we left the guys to hang for another evening.

My husband took me to a nice dinner, we stopped by the grocery store and headed home. Colin received his Medi-Cal card in the mail along with more bills totaling in the thousands of dollars. I still am trying to figure out how to get us by on $1300 per month less for 3 months. I can’t trim that much out of our budget, so when I see these astronomical medical bills they seem absurd.

It was raining hard while I fed the dogs. Then we had tea and hung out in the office with a heater on.

By 9:30 I was ready for bed. It was cold in our room but after being under the down comforter for a few minutes we are warm and cozy. We talk about stuff and start to drift off. Another day, still doesn’t seem like the holidays. It was my 52nd birthday today and I think I am starting to feel my age.

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About adminmom

High school math teacher and mother to a 23 year old son recently involved in a rollover accident that has left him with paralysis. This is my therapy, and hopefully will become his as well, as we move forward from 9-17-2012. After 6 years he is 29, I teach Chemistry and we are still learning how to help him move forward. Many Many health situations we never imagined we would face.

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