Dec 11 (82)

Woken up at 7:30 for ROM. I get up, get out of the way, clean up, dress then get coffee. At 8 I get a call from my husband, try to call him back but he hasn’t set up his voice mail yet. I text him I have my phone, he calls right away. He is angry, talking is muffles and it is hard for me to understand. After asking him to repeat himself, he slows down. He was rear ended on the freeway. The woman tried to drive away but he followed her. She finally pulled over but refused to give any information. He got the license plate, called the CHP who tracked her down. Green Mazda, older model, poor Hispanic owner and driver. The owner had insurance but who knows if the driver was on the policy. I was angry he didn’t press charges against her for hit and run. Not to gain anything but to document we had had a crime committed against us. He just didn’t want anymore to deal with, and I understand  I just hope it won’t come bite us in the ass.

Colin is grumpy again and I am super stressed. He starts to complain about me getting him dressed and cleaning him so I just stop. “You tell me what to do and when.” I tell him. I am  not going to battle him right now. He tries to bait me but I tell him it is his therapy, if he wants to do it, he has to ask to get dressed. He gets the red cap around 9:15.  About 9:30 he tells me it is time to get started.

I have him ready by 10:15. He asks the PT therapist if it is ok for him to be tossed around after surgery. I comment he is being moved, not tossed and he gets mad about that too. I do the chair transfers and we go do the final measurements to order his power chair. He picks the type of seat, arms, back, head array, feet and color. His chair is now on order, maybe in 5 months we will have it.  We talked about extra cushions, a back up manual chair and the bath buddy. The therapist says she and another will write a list so they and Colin can give the cost break down of what insurance does not cover, to his father. Time to see what he is willing to do to help.

We have a break in the room then OT. He puts on the robot arms and brushes his teeth, sort of. He messes around until he tires himself out.  He the  has another PT scheduled so it is back on the mat for exercises. I do all the transfers today, mostly ok. Still have a lot to practice. After I get him into bed and settled I go pick up the accident information so I can start the claim online. Colin is dozing when I get back and I finish the claim in about 5 minutes.


Once he is done resting we have some state forms to fill out. Every job he has ever had, we must give detailed descriptions, time spent standing, sitting, stooping, leaning, grabbing, holding, kneeling,etc. How often he lifted how much he lifted, what types of equipment he used, specialty software, etc. We have like 3 days to get it done. Fucking state, why can’t they just look at his injury and realize he can only do voice work ffs?

His arms and shoulders are hurting. His hands are so hyper-sensitive even the blankets cause his anguish. His legs, and even his penis (he noticed) are spastic. Poor guy, I couldn’t help laughing at the ridiculous male appendage. We may have menstrual cycles, but they have that extra liability flapping around. And they think it is the greatest thing ever, how delusional. I straighten his arms to help relax his biceps. He is not feeling well at all and even has slight pain in the surgery area. I start the Dark Knight for him , then respiratory come in for his breathing treatment. He just breathes in a mist. I keep him comfortable for most of the movie but by 11:00 he is getting tired. I tell him we can finish it tomorrow, make sure he is able to reach his call button and the nurse knows to keep his arms straight for comfort. I kiss him goodnight, drive home, start some laundry, take a shower and climb into bed. My husband is out cold, does not move. I have to wrestle some pillows and covers away from him and still he does not wake up. His blood sugar has not been good lately. We need to get him on a regular schedule and keep his meals balanced or he may be ill again. I snuggle down under the covers and drift off after midnight.

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About adminmom

High school math teacher and mother to a 23 year old son recently involved in a rollover accident that has left him with paralysis. This is my therapy, and hopefully will become his as well, as we move forward from 9-17-2012. After 6 years he is 29, I teach Chemistry and we are still learning how to help him move forward. Many Many health situations we never imagined we would face.

One thought on “Dec 11 (82)

  1. Shirley,
    Can you tell me who the maker of the power chair is? I work for Sunrise Medical. If it is one of our chairs I can see what I can do to move the process along quicker for you.


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