Dec 25 (96)

Does not seem like Christmas. We get up, go to my in laws, open gifts, eat. The to the hospital. Their father left at noon. When I get there they are hanging out. Colin feels a bit better than the last 2 days.

Ian promptly leaves to go have a cigarette (noob) and Colin complains about the length of his dad’s stay.

“Arriving at 4 pm on Monday, leaving at 10 pm, getting here at 9 this morning then leaving at noon is not 2 days.”

“Your father counts travel time and sleep too.”

“He was barley here with me for 6 hours.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. It’s your father.”

He coughs. Needs to be suctioned. I ask if he was due for a night routine tonight, he says yes. I tell him I will do it but it needs to be done by 7 pm in case his friend makes it over for a visit. He sighs and says fine. He won’t let me stretch his hands but I bully him into getting his face washed later.

My husband has to go back to his folk’s home for awhile and I tell him to pick me up around 7 pm.

The boys and I hang out, Colin needs to be suctioned a second time. We chat and goof off. They both fall asleep for a little bit. Around 5:45 Colin needs to be suctioned again this time a big mucous plug is coughed up and pulled out. He had been moving that out all day. After that his breathing was better, his lungs clear and he did not need to be suctioned again.

I finish his night routine, change his gown, wash his face and get a clean sheet above as well as beneath him.  It is now 7 pm and my husband has arrived to pick me up. They boys tell me they will be fine.  Ian gives me his dirty clothes to wash. I said goodnight and told them to say Hi to his friend if he showed up (he did not, sadly) and left.

We get home, feed the animals, made tea and hid in the office until the laundry was done. Went to bed early since I had to be back down for his therapy tomorrow morning. It was cold and rainy. It did not feel like Christmas at all.

Dec 23/24 (94/95)

Sunday. Rain. I open the laundry room door to see wet furry faces. All 3 dogs burst in leaving muddy prints on the floor. They would not go out all day. We managed to get one thing done. A walk to the mailbox in heavy rain. And a fire. Nothing else. We were both tired so we rested.

Ian got frustrated with me texting to check on Colin. They called about noon saying everything was fine. Their dad was going to be there Monday afternoon till Tuesday afternoon. I would not be going down until Tuesday. He had alot of secretions and was needing to be suctioned, but he was getting meds and resting. We rested also.

Monday we worked all day. I was up and working by 7 am. I kicked all dogs out. By noon the family room was shampooed and ready fro furniture to be moved. We cleaned and moved the snake tank. By 2 pm the family room was as complete as we could get it. We began in the Living room. Had to stop to get trash ready. I checked in with Ian, sent pictures of the dogs and the room we finished. Colin did therapy in bed so he wouldn’t have to be transferred. His neck, shoulders and throat were all swollen following surgery.  I didn’t hear much back since their father was there. It was good to be productive. We had dinner, some wine , relaxed and went to bed. I was tired and knew tomorrow we had to go to town.